Way to lean in, sister.

If you’ve made your way here, trust that it’s for a reason.

Begin your journey by exploring my offerings and all the ways that we can work together.

My intention for these sessions is to be a guiding light and strong holder so that you feel heard, witnessed and comfortable showing up as your true self throughout this entire journey!

Meet + Greet

Dont know where to start?
Schedule a 15-minute Complementary Meet & Greet

Unsure if energy work is right for you? This is a great way to explore the different types of offerings Sairah provides and allows her to make suggestions on how she can best support your individual healing journey.

This is also a great opportunity to ask any questions you might have about energy work, spiritual counselling, past-life therapy, and inner child integration while also getting a feel for her vibe and process.

Energy Activations

Supporting your energetic chakra system
(rather than your physical body) enables me to send energy to you anywhere, at any time!

As energy is non-physical, Sairah is able to work within your energetic body (rather than your physical body) from a distance which enables her to connect, clear and send energy to you anywhere, at any time, without requiring you to be physically present.

Which means you can receive healing from anywhere in the world! How great is that? Quantum baby!

Infused with crystals, sacred geometry grids, pendulum work, energetic imprinting, intuitive readings and other intentional tools to support your unique soul’s journey.

Each energetic light body activation is setup using a hand carved sacred geometry grid upon a natural piece of birch tree with intuitively selected crystal placements and personal intentions infused to amplify the healing.

Want to better understand energy activations and how they work? Read this.
Or go ahead and give it a try for yourself!

Animal Energy Activations

From cats to dogs, horses, rabbits or birds, ALL animals will benefit and can accelerate their own healing process, by easing pain, reducing stress and improving their quality of life.

By sending energy from a distance, Sairah can introduce herself and your animal to an energetic light body activation in the most relaxed,
non-threatening and positive environment possible.

If your pet has been feeling nervous, fearful, deals with separation anxiety, has become ill, or traumatized, animal energy activations can help to soothe, calm, and relax them without the added stress of an approaching stranger.

Sessions can be done anywhere/ anytime while your pet is going about their normal daily activities as long as they aren’t too active. Usually, they do relax and take a nice, cozy nap.

animal energy work

Energy Activation Packages

Ready to take your self-healing seriously?
Invite in Energy Activations to be apart of your Self-Care routine through frequent sessions.

These carefully crafted healing packages are available for those who are ready to create deep, long-lasting results. I deeply pride myself on building sacred bonds with the babes I support, and I offer sparkly incentives for those who choose to work with me for multiple sessions. If you’d like to come for weekly, bi-weekly or monthly recurring sessions, I have created these Energy Activation Packages, so we can go on a journey of deep integrative journey together.

BONUS: When you book your first 5 or 10 session package, you will receive a high vibe set of beautiful chakra stones that can be placed onto your 7-main chakra energy centres during your lightbody activation sessions.

past life

Multidimensional Self

4 Sessions: Past + Future Life Therapy

Have you ever had the feeling that you are reliving an experience or revisiting a place that you’ve never been before? It is believed that the soul is infinite energy, that never truly dies. What dies is the physical body and the soul goes on to be reborn in a new body with renewed opportunities to learn new lessons.

This Past + Future Life Therapy package allows you to explore multiple soul experiences from both past and future lifetimes and is spread out over the course of 4-sessions.


  • Begin your journey by exploring a primary past life
  • Explore past life skills, talents, gifts and abilities
  • Travel forward into a future life to gather information about your current life’s purpose, or get a glimpse of what the future has in store for you.
  • Uncover trauma blockages or patterns that are preventing you from healing 

Past Life Therapy

Accessing past life information can be a crucial part of your healing process. 

By revisiting past lives, this not only has the potential to recall experiences of our past soul journeys (some of us have had thousands), but it can also open doors to deeper levels of the mind where our subconscious stores trauma or blockages that are impacting our current life, health and well-being. 

In these sessions we focus on a particular physical, emotional, mental or spiritual problem, and go back to the past life in which it began. You will remain in a meditative regressed state while light body activations and energetic rebalancing is done to clear the energetic imprint of the lifetime.  

As the mind heals the body, the body can heal the mind. Sometimes it is just a matter of discovering the origin of the issue to resolve it. When the core issue is revealed and resolved, the symptoms will often disappear.

inner child healing


  • Reconnect with different inner children that make up your personality.
  • Help you maintain positive emotional contact with each of your inner children, so they can continue to feel seen, witnessed and heard.
  • Learn how to communicate with these inner children on an ongoing basis so you can discern their needs.
  • Acknowledge and embrace key lessons from your childhood.
  • Work through distorted belief systems that were projected onto you as a child from parents, caretakers, society or different perceived levels of authority.
  • Identify physical ailments you have, which may be remnants of energy attachments from childhood experiences.
  • Explore unresolved emotions which have carried through into your adult life from childhood, creating fears or beliefs which you have been unable to explain.
  • Release energetic blocks that may continue to reappear in your energy field.

This deep integrative inner work will be spread out over the course of
7-sessions and all sessions must be used within a 6-month time frame.

*Payment plans available*

Inner Child Integration

7 Session Package

Each of us has inner children that represent pieces of our personality that connect to different phases of our life. When our inner children become threatened they tend to revert back to behaviours by clinging to old wounds that unhappy earlier events in their lives brought on and recreate a sense of helplessness, pain, rage and fear that those original events may have invoked in them.

When these painful memories aren’t re-accessed and healed, over time this build-up of pain can cause our adult selves to suffer spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and even physically.

These sessions of inner child integration are meant to help you discover, heal, love, see, hear and play with your inner children so that they can feel the deep unconditional love that they’ve always deserved. When our inner children have learned to love life, their love for life will create a resonance that’s bound to heal us on all levels.

”Before working with Sairah I was feeling a bit negative and unmotivated. I had worked with Sairah in the past and have always benefited from her knowledge, intuition and positivity. I’ve had energy healings done before, which were helpful and was sure Sairah would provide an excellent session.”

Kim Grimes

Vibe Higher

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